
How To Get Rid Of Scraggly Beard Hair

Scraggly Beard

What Is a Scraggly Beard

Not all men can grow a glorious bristles, the likes of which legends are written about. Some men have trouble growing a full beard, and it gets even harder when the beard turns out quite scraggly and patchy. If your beard makes you look like you live in a cardboard box under the bridge, and so you have a scraggly beard problem.

The term scraggly tin mean different things. It could mean that there are so many stray hairs that you cannot even tell the shape of the person'south face. It could also be characterized past a lot of patchy areas where you tin can see the skin underneath. Both definitions are technically correct, and there are even more signs of having a patchy beard, which volition be discussed subsequently.

Pros and Cons of a Scraggly Beard

Although a scraggly beard is something that most disguised men avoid, it does have its benefits. Withal, you also have to learn about some of its flaws. You can go to know about these pros and cons in this section.


  • Makes you look older simply in the right mode. Men who have a infant confront but practice not peculiarly like it can grow a beard that is quite scraggly. If yous are 1 of them, then a beard that turns out to exist scraggly can add more maturity to your face. This is good, especially if yous want to look more masculine.
  • Keeps the skin safe from UV rays . Any comprehend confronting the rays of the lord's day is welcome. Fifty-fifty if it is a scraggly bristles, it will yet protect the peel underneath from the harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Keeps your face warm . If you live in an area where the temperature ordinarily goes below the freezing signal for a good chunk of the year, and then a patchy or scraggly beard is perfect for you. It can help protect your face from getting frozen solid.
  • It is a bang-up conversation piece . A beard is a beard and if you detect someone else who has facial hair, information technology would exist hard not to fraternize and have conversations almost bristles care and any. Now, if you have scraggly facial hair and the other person has a glorious beard, you might even become tips on how to make your beard but like his.


  • It tin brand you lot wait unprofessional. If you have a scraggly beard and your hair is as well unkempt, information technology will be relatively easy for people to mistake y'all for a panhandler. A flake of scruff is not that bad. However, if you lot let your facial hair abound wild, you only make it easy for people to judge you based on looks lonely.

Why Does Scraggly Beard Happen

A scraggly bristles does not just materialize on its own. There are really factors that tin can cause very rough and patchy facial hair. Some might exist your fault, while the other reasons might be out of your control.

The following are just some of the most common reasons why a scraggly beard develops:

Nutrient Habits

Simply like with the other parts of the body, you volition need to feed your hair, including the one in your face up, with the right types and amounts of nutrients. If you have the habit of eating unhealthy stuff, your facial hair or bristles may also suffer, causing information technology to get scraggly.

You lot can get nutrients that promote from the foods you swallow.  Generally, information technology would be best for you to avert those foods that contribute to depression hair growth, including those that have aspartame, selenium, and mercury. Y'all besides have to stay away from foods that have excessively loftier Vitamin A content and sugar. The reason is that they can also crusade depression hair growth.

Depression and Stress

Why Does Scraggly Beard Happen

Depression and insane amounts of stress tin can likewise affect the quality of facial hair growth. The reason is that both conditions may cause hormonal imbalance. Severe mental disorders tin can put your body's systems out of whack, causing some hormones to decrease product while increasing that of others. With that said, you tin can almost always tell if a person is nether a lot of stress just past looking at his hair.

Genetic Reasons

Some men are just lucky enough to win the genetic lottery, which is why they take awesome looking facial pilus. This goes the other way too. If your dad and your grandfathers from both sides of the family could not grow a decent beard, so yous are most likely to suffer the same fate. You are more than prone to having a scraggly beard in that example.

Other Disease

Patchy and scraggly bristles growth can also exist the outcome of certain diseases, like alopecia areata. This condition may cause bald spots in certain areas on the head. In some severe cases, alopecia can cause the person not to grow whatsoever head and body hair.

Like dermatitis, some skin disorders may also cause pilus to fall off in specific places on the head. In some cases, there is a take a chance that fifty-fifty after y'all recover from dermatitis, the lost hair volition not regrow. This tin can lead to a scraggly beard and some patchy spots.

Methods to Prevent a Scraggly Beard

If y'all want your bristles to expect good all the time, yous need to take care of it proactively. A adept-looking beard requires quite a flake of work. It will non get glorious on its own. With that said, here are some tips that will surely assistance you in preventing a scraggly beard:

Visit Your Barber Regularly

If you lot have no idea how to trim and shape your facial hair, it would be best to leave the job to a professional person barber. Still, you exercise not just permit your barber have his way with your beard. You lot have to communicate what you want to be done and so that he will exist able to requite you lot the look that you desire.

Establish Nighttime Routine

Get in a signal to requite your beard a bit of TLC every night before you become to sleep. For instance, yous can give your beard a skilful shampooing and one time it is dry out, apply a bit of beard oil. Utilize a boar pilus brush to apply the oil on all the hairs evenly. Having a nightly routine like this volition ensure that your bristles will always exist manageable.


Although you tin can utilise the aforementioned shampoo you utilise on your hair, it is best to use 1 specifically fabricated for the bristles or facial pilus. Facial hair is thicker than the hair on your caput to demand something more than your regular shampoo. If you cannot notice whatever in your local stores, you can try making a homemade beard shampoo . The good news is that it is at present easy to find recipes for them online.

Use a Beard Foam

Beard creams, waxes, and balms are the best products that yous can utilize to tame your scraggly beard. As well property your facial pilus in place, so information technology does not stray, you tin besides expect your called beard cream to contain essential ingredients that improve hair health. With that, you will take an easier time preventing scraggly beard.

Rummage Information technology Regularly

Methods to Prevent a Scraggly Beard - Comb It Regularly

If y'all comb your hair to brand yourself more presentable, you should also do the same for your facial hair. In fact, considering of the tendency for facial hair to stray, you must comb it often. By doing that, yous will have a lower chance of complaining about having a scraggly bristles.

Methods and Tools to Fix Scraggly Beard

However, unfortunately, if you developed a scraggly beard, you practise non have to worry too much or get too frustrated. The reason is that there are a few methods and tools that you lot tin can now employ to fix it – amongst which are the following:

Utilize a Beard Straightener

If your facial hair is curly, it is also highly likely that information technology will get scraggly afterwards some time. If that is the instance, you will need to use a bristles straightener to flatten out your facial pilus, allowing it to lie directly. There are dissimilar methods of beard straightening that you can use, just I find that using an electric hair atomic number 26 works best. Fifty-fifty if you do not take a curly bristles, you can nonetheless use a beard straightener to eliminate any flyaway strands.

Trim to an Fifty-fifty Length

Uneven pilus length is another reason why a beard turns scraggly, and it is absolutely hard to proceed your beard even throughout the face up because the hairs whorl upward. You can apply a pair of pair of scissors and a rummage to make sure that every strand is the same length, or you lot tin use an electrical beard trimmer to go the job done faster.

Use a Beard Comb

Bristles combs are your all-time friends. Aside from having the ability to untangle each strand, the beard comb is besides useful in training your hair to grow only in a particular direction. Fifty-fifty when your beard is but starting to grow, y'all should comb information technology to train it better.

Castor It Up

Besides beard combs, you should also use a boar pilus beard brush to groom your facial hair. A beard brush is great for most bristles types and it helps make sure each strand stays in place. Moreover, information technology can distribute your natural oils evenly among each strand and exfoliate the skin underneath your beard.

Ascertain Your Neckline

Methods and Tools to Fix Scraggly Beard

Having a clear and defined bristles neckline will help your beard look less scraggly because it gives your facial hair shape. Information technology is non that hard and it becomes even more comfortable the more often you do it.

Start by defining your neckline's everyman point past placing your index and middle finger just above your Adam's apple tree. After that, shape your beard using that point for reference. It is all-time if yous accept a fogless shaving mirror to meet what you are doing much better.

Use Beard Wax Instead of Oils and Balsams

Beard oils and balsams are nifty for keeping your facial hair shiny and healthy. However, it would still exist much improve to utilise a beard wax instead of the products mentioned. The reason is that beard wax tin help proceed each hair in place.

Tidy Upwardly Your Mustache

Your mustache is the central role of your beard and information technology is unremarkably the first thing that people discover. The hairs on your upper lip abound faster than the other parts of the bristles, then it tends to look scraggly at outset. Become a pair of barber's scissors and trim any hair strands that are out of identify. Your goal is to keep your mustache from getting then long that it droops over your mouth.

Test Different Beard Styles

Most newbie bristles growers recollect in black and white. They either can grow the thickest beard in the world or if non, they should shave everything off their face. In that location is a huge grey surface area. Many short bristles styles are piece of cake to maintain and might look ameliorate on you than having a full, thick beard. Examination out as many of these styles until y'all find the one that is right for you lot.

Visit a Barber

Although it is useful if you know how to fashion your bristles yourself, information technology would exist a lot better to let a proficient barber accept a get at styling your facial hair. If you are starting to feel hopeless that you will not make your scraggly beard look better, you can go to a hairdresser as a last resort. Not merely will your beard expect nicer, just you lot will also go some tips on how to maintain it.

How to Maintain a Scraggly Beard

Step one Shampoo and status your beard

You need to prevent split ends and fly abroad hairs every bit these are responsible for making your bristles look rough and scraggly. Adept bristles shampoo and conditioner will help keep your facial hair salubrious and less prone to harm.

Step 2 Apply beard oil and/or beard lotion

A skilful quality beard oil can prevent dryness of the hair and the skin underneath your beard. These products can besides help keep your facial hair soft and manageable, and then information technology will not make you feel itchy.

Pace 3 Comb and brush your bristles regularly

After washing and drying your beard and applying beard intendance products, you need to comb your beard to foreclose hairs from curling. Follow this upward with a beard castor to clean each strand, exfoliate the skin underneath, and promote the product of natural skin oils.

Stride 4 Trim and shape your beard

Y'all volition need a proficient quality pair of barber'due south scissors and a razor for this part. Use the scissors to trim off whatever stragglers and the razor to shape your bristles.

Step 5 – Style your beard using beard wax

This production volition hold every hair strand in place, making your beard await slap-up and less scraggly.

Do's and Don'ts With a Scraggly Beard


  • Exercise have a complete grooming kit at abode . You need to have at least one pair of hairdresser's scissors, a good quality razor, and an all-in-1 beard trimmer at home. Y'all may also desire to endeavor the world's best stubble trimmer to give you lot that rough yet well-maintained corporate beard await. These are the essential tools that will help y'all keep your bristles under command.
  • Exercise brush your beard regularly . Brushing and combing your beard regularly prevents the strands from tangling and getting damaged. Brushing your bristles besides helps proceed the pare underneath the beard healthy.
  • Do try unlike beard styles . If you lot tin't seem to abound a full beard because of patchy pilus growth, then try out different styles. For instance, short beard styles can be smart and distinct, and they are easier to maintain.


  • Practise not let your beard grow out uncontrolled . As mentioned earlier, yous need to trim your beard regularly. Letting your bristles abound long on its own is the best method to getting a scruffy beard as facial hairs abound at varying rates depending on where they are on the face.
  • Exercise non utilise regular shampoo. Facial hair is very unlike in structure than the pilus on your caput, and so you need to employ specially-formulated shampoo and conditioner for it. Despite that, information technology is still fine to use regular shampoo if you accept no other selection.

FAQ About Scraggly Beard

FAQ About Scraggly Beard

How do I keep my beard from looking scraggly?

If you want to prevent your beard from looking scraggly, then commit to some grooming routines. A wise tip is to practice regular trimming and grooming. It can assistance proceed your facial hair under control and prevent it from getting dry and scraggly.

Why does my beard wait scraggly?

There are several reasons why your beard looks scraggly. One probable explanation is that your beard is very dry. There are besides instances when it tends to grow worldwide, causing it to look scraggly. It may even lead to uneven hair growth and plenty of split up ends.

How do you style a scraggly beard?

Showtime, yous volition need to trim and brand sure every strand is relatively the aforementioned length. It is as well advisable for you to use bristles styling products, like bristles wax, regularly. Such products can help your beard maintain its shape.

How practice you know when your beard starts looking scraggly?

You volition notice your beard starts to get scraggly when you run across a lot of stray hairs whenever you look in a mirror. Yous may detect that specific patches of your face are not growing or hardly growing any hair.

How can I grow a full beard if I take a patchy one?

Many people say that y'all can utilize a premium beard derma roller to stimulate bristles growth on the patchy areas on your face. All the same, if this does non work for you lot, you can grow your facial hair longer so style your bristles in a fashion that y'all cover up the patchy parts.


Although some men can pull off the scraggly beard look, they are very few and far betwixt. If you believe that you are not one of those men, then you need to set up your scraggly bristles earlier it gets any worse.

The good news is that it is easy to fix a scraggly beard. All you have to do is get together the correct tools and learn about how to do the task. Don't give up on growing a beard merely because information technology looks a bit scraggly. You can try several facial hairstyles out in that location that might suit you amend than having a total beard.

Photos from: DenisNata /, stetsik /, gum92 /, deagreez1 / and


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